Friday, May 04, 2007

Home sweet home

I'm at newark airport!!! :))) approx 21h30min till I'm back!!

I actually woke up at 6am this morning after sleeping at 3am.. My body clock's screwed up and its gonna get even worse with jet lag.. Packed everything and went to commons for breakfast myself cuz I was hungry and wanted to make a more sustained effort to finish my meal plan.. I'm still left with 3 though. XP Not that great a waste, at least..

Had lunch with gina, nadia, lala, derrick, carlson and yx at marathon grill before gg over to philip's place to pick up some stuff he didn't want anymore.

We had a talk, and everything's good.

Looking forward to being home. :D

1 comment:

the-lipless said...


good wait, dear (: