Saturday, February 17, 2007

Exploring fun

Ooooo. Today was so much fun. Haha. Yh and I walked down walnut (from 40th to 10th), shopped along the way, went to chinatown, had good food, and walked back up chestnut, buying even more on the way. Haha. :P Shopping's therapeutic. I was kinda traumatised by incessant lab reports, various hw assignments, and midterms!! :( I've 3 more before spring break.. Ahhhh. I can't wait till we get to new orleans. ;D

Deathnote is nice!! Watched it at midnight yday. Haha. Cuz fridae is a slack slack day.. with one class. ;P okay, there's usually 3, but 1's cancelled and I don't like gg for the other. XP Anyways.. I wanna watch deathnote 2!! It's different from the anime/manga though. It's not the same as the storyline which mar related to me..

I tried pod's for lunch yday! Haha. For the uninitiated, pod is this posh restaurant at the Inn at Penn (ie. the most ex restaurant in university city, imo). =P Having a plum wine flavoured cocktail at lunch is quite shiok. I had sea bass!! It's always great to get fish here- it's so so rare k.

Tml's chu2 xi1!! :D We'd be gg to this hk restaurant for a 10 course seafood dinner with sporeans, hkers and the taiwanese.. Sounds like fun. :) There's even pre-dinner karaoke.. yay!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


We went snowboarding over the weekend at Blue Mountain and it was really fun, albeit painful. Don't try snowboarding without a butt cushion in place unless you want an extremely sore butt and bruises all over. Haha. It seems as though none of us knew how to stop properly. Our strategy was simply to crash before hitting anyone/anything- an extremely painful strategy indeed. Well, at least now I know I'm not good at snowboarding. :P I shall try skiing next time.

Here's a pic of rachael and yinghui smiling in the snow..

Rachael sliding down the slope using her snowboard as a tobaggon. I consequently joined her, in an attempt to minimise injuries for the day.

Yinghui and I at the bottom of the not-so-steep slope we were boarding on..

A sad yinghui bemoaning her bruises and aches..

White white snow..

I miss home so much!! It's not as though I'm not enjoying myself here.. It's just TOO COLD! I've to bundle up like crazy to go outdoors!! :( I miss sunny Singapore.. and my xiao long baos!! Haha. Can't wait for spring break/summer. Lab reports are a pain in the ass. As though it isn't sufficient that I've to spend 9.5 hrs of class time a wk on one course unit.. I've to spend something like an additional 10 hrs outside class writing the 5-10 pages long report. Ughhhh. They're like freaking research papers. *pouts*