Monday, April 30, 2007


Here are the long awaited photographs which I have had trouble uploading.. ;)

Three gals walking down towards marigold kitchen where we had a lovely 3 course dinner..
The view while walking back..
I love how the trees frame the photograph.
Bright vibrant colours scream SPRING! :D
Haha. Another photograph of tree branches.
Gina and I at Six Flags before going on the roller coasters..
Us after taking the batman and robin ride..
Nadia and I while in the queue..
El toro- a really jerky ride..
Gina and I- again. :)
On the streets of boston while visiting siannie..
Another photograph of boston streets.
Me and my huge lobster dinner..
Siannie and I..
Fire and Ice!! It really reminds me of seoul garden, but better.
Rachel and Lionel digging in at buddakan.
Our chocolate bento boxes!!
Gina and dalglish..
Rachel and I.. slightly red. XP
Random snapshot..

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