Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Orleans

New Orleans was fun!!! :D We had loads of great food, walked around lots, and generally enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. The people in New Orleans are really friendly. We get cries of hello everywhere; cars stop to let us cross first (philly drivers would more likely honk at us when the lights are in our favour); and most sales assistants are genuinely friendly. We've gotten lots of recommendations on things to do as well as places to visit while we were there.
On the streets on New Orleans..
Petunia's- it's really pretty, with pink and green decor. We had cajun catfish and lovely sparkling wine which tasted like champagne.

Me and my fizzy drink with a strawberry thrown in for extra bubbles.

A pic of a pretty lil gal with her dad, taken in the street car. It's really sweet how her dad is so tender towards her.

The view from the street car window, as taken by yx. :) Somehow all his photos look waaay better than mine. :(Yinghui and pretty wooden houses..
The bridge across Mississippi River. We took the Canal St Ferry to get to Algiers', a well preserved Creole suburb.
A really pretty blue and white house in Algiers'.
A beautiful window in Algiers. I should have taken a photo of the house's owner. XP He really stands in contrast to his beautiful and well maintained house. :X

Sophie's ice cream!! Gelato on this really cool street (Magazine St) where I bought my shoes. It's this 6 mile long street with lotsa shops along the way (which we walked the entire length of).
A pretty sprayed on drawing in Bywater, a pretty shady district which we walked to for great BBQ!! :D We had pulled pork and ribs which were the best I've ever had.Beautiful sunset by the Mississippi River.
Yinghui's deeply engrossed in her camera and me in my beef jerky bought at the farmers' market we just visited.
A beautiful stately building.
Jackson's square- the central area of the French Quater.
Yaoxiang and his Beignets. :P
A half eaten Beignet.

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