Friday, March 23, 2007

Work work work

Ahhhhh. I'm going crazy soon. There's tons of work to do and the musical this weekend. I'm actually cleaning up my room instead of studying, that's how sian I am. :( K lah, at least the cleaning up is for a reason. Gh's friend is coming over for the musical and I'm housing her for 2 nights. Pretty interesting. I haven't exactly housed ppl I haven't met before (other than my lovely german gals who dun realli count since they were with me for 2 weeks). Ahwell. It's probably more scary for her since it'd take a leap of faith to stay with a stranger whereas I'm just giving her a place to stay. :) Hope to be able to bring her to places despite having a take home midterm this wkend and two midterms next week.. Arghhh. I really gotta concentrate. Focus, cyn, you can do it. Ok, that does not sound very convincing, does it? I've an econ midterm in less than 5 hrs and I can't really be bothered to mug for it. I'd draw some graphs later to familiarise myself I guess. XP Anyways.. I'm visiting siannie two weeks from now!! :D Can't wait to c siannie wennie.. *crosses my fingers* I hope the make up at the musical goes well. I've bought -almost- all the neccessary stuff and the budget is shot. :( Ahwells. At most they'd come out of my own pocket. Break a leg, musical peeps!

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