Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My mum was here to visit over spring break and it was nice having her around, showing her my life in philly. I've just read all the novels by Low Kay Hwa, this Singaporean novelist, and it portrays the relationship between a woman and her mother, as well as depict how we often end up taking our mothers for granted. I admit that I do take my mum for granted at times, especially when I'm bothered about something else and ends up being short tempered with her.. I love my mum a lot, but I need to express that more often I suppose.

In any case, Low Kay Hwa’s novels are pretty good, and did touch me, even though certain twists in the plots are predictable and the storylines come as familiar, as though adapted from somewhere else. Even then, they did touch me, perhaps due to the 'Singaporeaness' of the stories. They brought home the heartland mentality.. the familiar terms which I no longer come across.. and in a way, they remind me that I'm a true blue Singaporean at heart.

I miss Singapore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to tell my mom"I love you" more often too. :)
I like this entry.